The Hound

Alas, the Hound is gone. But we knew he was going to die in the end didnt’t we? Even for those of us unfamiliar with the books. Only fitting that a character so tragic; a misfit in life, could only find peace in death. Despite the invincibility of big brother; a sword through the chest, a dagger to the neck and through the eye wasn’t enough to fell the giant, Sandor found a way to take him down. And how poetic that he sent Gregore to a fiery death. At least I’m guessing he died. He died right? He couldn’t have survived that fall? Anyway, lots’a dying in the final season. But we expected that didn’t we? So next week is it – it’s all over. How will we fill the void of our binge-watching ways? 
For those of you expecting a mind-blowing finale, here’s an interesting article entitled “Game of Thrones’ ending will disappoint us in the end” by Rowan Kaiser.
A good read and one that details the various directions the ending could go, with each one resulting in disappointment for fans. Here’s to ending on a happy note!

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