Carrie-Anne Moss

“Dodge this.” The matrix was the 5th highest grossing film of 1999 in North America with a total earning of $292M. It was the highest grossing R-rated film of that year. Hard pressed to think why it was rated so. It has virtually no sex, very little dialogue, or gruesome violence that we’ve become so accustomed to these days. Not warranted of the R-rating in my opinion.
Its considered a science fiction classic; specifically of the cyberpunk sub-genre variety. 
The Wachowski’s drew literary inspiration from a variety of sources including Out of Control, Evolutionary Psychology and Simulacra and Simulation, the latter of which can be seen in hard-cover, lying open in Neo’s apartment.
Many were considered for the role of Trinity, including Michelle Yeoh, Gillian Anderson, and Janet Jackson. Yes, quite a mixed bag. Jackson would later reference the film in the “Intro” and “Outro” interludes on her studio album, “Discipline”.

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